Saturday, September 12, 2009

Damn you Verizon!

Last week I wrote that I would have an update after our doctor's appointment. That was before Verizon shut down our internet (which just came back up). The appointment went very well. We met our midwife and heard the baby's heartbeat. Everything looks good so far. The real news is that on Wednesday, we find out the baby's gender. Luckily, we are furlowed that day and I will have no problem being there. So look for an update on Wednesday and possibly a mass text as soon as we know.

Tori has been doing well. Her hands and feet have been hurting and occasionally her pre-natal vitamins make her sick, but for the most part she has been doing well. The move went well (except for the week without internet and the loss of our Tivo). The apartment is beautiful, although it is still a work in progress. The baby's room (I love saying that) is currently where everything we don't know what to do with yet is being housed. We had to make an Ikea run to get furniture to fit our new apartment, but it is super classy. And we got a new Tivo that is better than the old one, so no real loss there. Possibly the best feature of our new apartment is that the air circulates without the need for fans. Our old apartment necessitated a ceiling fan and two oscillating fans and it still felt like an oven in the late afternoon. We get very little direct sunlight, but we have more than twice as many windows, so the apartment has been staying nice and cool in this Indian summer heat. The new address is 120 Grand Ave, Apt 304, Long Beach, CA 90803.

The school year is gearing up (a week earlier than I had anticipated) and I am starting to feel the pressure. I had a bit of a minor meltdown on Thursday when I was told that I would have to "roam" to different classrooms to teach my English classes. With the help of the ever-practical Joe Svoboda I solved that problem, so there was no major meltdown. I start directing "David and Lisa" the story of two mentally disturbed teenagers who fall in love next week. It will be the only play I direct this year in preparation for Peanut's grand entrance. Wow. This may be the last blog where the baby is known as Peanut...

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