Thursday, July 23, 2009

A Quick Update

Although nothing momentous has taken place in the past week, I feel compelled to keep everyone updated. Everything is still great. Tori has felt really good this week. In fact, the one aspect of pregnancy that seemed to plague her the most, fatigue, seems to be easing up. She has been staying up later and it has been days since she has fallen asleep on the couch in the living room.

To give it some context, in recent weeks I have found Tori asleep in bed with the light on and a book propped on her chest. More spectacularly, Tori fell asleep last week while watching "So You Think You Can Dance". Even more impressive, she fell asleep while fast-forwarding through the commercials. That is comparable to Gabe Freiberg's patented fall-asleep-mid-sentence move. Not only did she fall asleep while she was operating the remote, she did it more than once. If there were gold medals for falling asleep, Tori would have won at least two in the past few weeks.

The let up in fatigue seems to be attributable to the fact that Tori is moving toward her second trimester. Time seems to be flying by. It feels like it was just yesterday that I was accidentally telling Kathy Flanagan-Egan that Tori was pregnant. Suddenly, 9 months isn't seeming so long.

We will be heading to the Bay Area this coming weekend to see the family and some of our friends. We are anxious to meet baby Ellie Buell. That seems to be the main focus of this trip. No offense to everyone else, but, as you might imagine, Tori is a little baby-crazy right now. Soon after, we will take a day trip down to San Diego for more time with family. And a little beach time. Then, before you can say "school's out for summer", I'll be back at work.

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