Saturday, July 18, 2009

Movin' on the north side (of the building)

Since Tori and I moved in to our current one-bedroom apartment, we have always held to the idea that we could stay here when our first child was born. We have an enormous living room and an enormous bedroom. We were certain that we could fit a young child in the apartment with us. In the six months leading up to us getting pregnant, it felt like every two-bedroom apartment was available for rent. We didn't really consider any of them. Tori would go look at them, but Tori loves to look at any vacant housing. We never seriously talked about moving. We didn't want to move. We love our apartment and we hate moving even more. Hate. Loathe. Despise.

When Tori got pregnant, we didn't really talk about moving. People asked us if we would move, and we stuck to our old answer. On the inside, however, we were both having the same thought, "How are we going to fit a kid in here?" Less importantly, we also were both thinking, "Too bad we won't be able to decorate a baby room." Then one night, as can only happen when you are laying in bed waiting to fall asleep, we had the same thought at the same time. I think Tori started to ask me if we should talk to the landlord about getting a two-bedroom and before the sentence was out of her mouth, I said "Yes".

Now it was time to feel stupid. We had let the opportunity slip away. Not only had most of the two bedrooms opened up, but the best two bedrooms. There are 30 units in our building. Many people have been here for years and years. We did not know when another two bedroom would open up, and if it would be before we had the baby, or when Tori was too pregnant to help move, or if it would be two years down the line. Well, ten days ago, we found out that a two bedroom was opening up at the beginning of August. So Tori and I will be moving in mid to late August or early September. But there is no hurry. Isn't it nice how things work out that way? It will feel a little silly moving all of our stuff 50 feet. Now Tori gets to decorate a baby room.

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