Monday, June 15, 2009


Once Tori and I had gotten the "official" word from Kaiser that Tori was actually pregnant, we wanted to tell some people. The two most important people were our mothers. So we headed over to Tori's mother's house to let her know. We walked in, and after about 25 minutes of hearing about everyone else that we knew, we found a break in the conversation that seemed like enough of a segue to tell Toni that we were, in fact, pregnant. I can't remember her exact words, but it was something to the effect of, "Well, that's silly. Why did you let me talk so long about all of those other things? Why didn't you just tell me right away?" Then she celebrated a little with us.

We then got in the car and headed for home. On the way, we called my mother and put her on speaker phone. Now, for some background, I was worried that I would be underwhelmed by my mom's reaction. I have seen this woman LITERALLY jump up and down screaming when she found out a friend of hers was pregnant. I could only imagine what she might do when we gave her the news. But then I was afraid that her reaction wouldn't live up to the one that I imagined. When I told her that Tori and I were engaged, after years of her referring to Tori as "My daughter-in-law-to-be-I-hope", her reaction was somewhat more subdued than I was expecting (a large part of it had to do with the fact that my stepfather, Phil, was asleep and had to be up early the next morning so she didn't want to wake him.) There was no need to worry. Mom did not disappoint. "HOLY SH*T!" I believe that is an exact quote. Just what you would expect from a soon-to-be grandmother.

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