Thursday, June 18, 2009

Mommy and Daddy Class

We had our first visit to Kaiser since the good news. It was like a pre-natal class or seminar. I was one of two future fathers there. There were probably eight or nine expectant mothers. They sat us in a classroom and started out by telling us all of the things that could potentially be wrong with the baby. It was, to say the least, shocking. I guess they wanted us to be prepared. Maybe they could have said some things that could have been right with the baby, too? Like, "they may just grow up to be a professional athlete" or "your baby might come out ready to walk and talk immediately". I don't know. Something to keep us optimistic. Needless to say, I gave myself four heart-attacks and a stroke worrying about all of the potential health issues and how I would deal with them. As you may know, my life strategy, instead of "let's cross that bridge when we get to it" is "let's worry so much about what will happen when we get to the bridge that we give ourselves ulcers and have to stop travelling."

When we had a chance to talk to a nurse one-on-one (well, one-on-two) she put all of our worries to rest. She was great. In fact, everyone was pretty great. Even the woman who took seven thousand blood samples from Tori was great. I started to really feel ready to be a father. More than ready. Excited. Elated. Ecstatic. And, of course, I know that I have such a great partner to go through this with, that no matter what happens, everything will be just fine.

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