Thursday, February 11, 2010

Almost There!

We're finally getting to the finish line! It's Feb 11th and his due date is the 15th, although my midwife predicted weeks ago that I'd never make it past the 6th or 7th. Now I'm convinced, it's just mean to tell a woman she's going to go earlier than expected. I went into a complete frenzy canceling work appointments and cleaning the house like crazy in preparation for Jack's arrival. The good news is that I actually did get everything ready. Finally finished his room-yay! And have taken to weird activities like steam-cleaning the oven (because you can't bring a baby home from the hospital with a dirty oven!) Dave laughed at my obsessively strange, late-night cleaning activities and would say "Oh my god, you're totally nesting!" to which I would respond "Shut-up and scrub the shower!"

I'm still pretty comfortable, which I consider lucky since most pregnant women I know are screaming "Get this baby out of me!!" once they're this far along. We're definitely ready for him to arrive. We've been doing long walks trying to get things going, but I'm not quite desperate enough to drink castor oil. We're pretty sure I've been in early stage active labor the last few days, since my contractions have been pretty regular. But every night when I go to bed they've stopped by the time I wake up in the morning. Dave has the next 4 days off, so we're hoping to get this show on the road during the long weekend! Hopefully the next post will announce Jack's arrival!

39 weeks pregnant...Cousin Alex giving Jackie Boy kisses and telling him to come out and play!

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