Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Where's the camera?!?!

Last night as Tori and I sat watching TV, she let out an exclaim of, "Whoooa!" When I turned to her she informed me that Jack had moved so intensely that she could see him push her stomach out. I spent the next half hour trying to catch him moving, but it was like he knew when I had my head turned away. Tori would go, "Whoa!" I would turn my head back to her belly, and she would say, "Oh, you just missed him again." Then I would stare at her belly for the next minute and Jack would hold still. I would turn back to the TV, and he would move again. Finally, he started moving so often and so vigorously, that I couldn't help but see him move.

I wanted to break out the camcorder because, as I told Tori, these were our baby's first visible movements. For me, this whole experience fluctuates between totally surreal, and so real it is overwhelming. Sometimes, if Tori is bundled up under a blanket on the couch, I will forget that there is a little boy growing in there. But when I think about that fact, I am overwhelmed with joy and anticipation. I just can't wait to meet Jack and to be a Daddy.

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