Thursday, October 22, 2009

Long time, no blog...(is it bad to use it as a verb?)

Sorry for the lack of updates. These are exciting times. Tori and the baby are progressing beautifully. The biggest drama for Tori right now is that her massive collection of shoes no longer fits her feet. We got the results of my blood tests (all clean) and Tori's. We found out that Tori is a carrier for the deletion that is present in the baby's chromosomal makeup. Although it is not an indication of anything definite, we have found a sense of encouragement in the idea that this may have been in the family for a while. There is a chance that other men in Tori's family have this same deletion and have not shown any serious side effects. Although we are staying cautious (I would say "realistic", but Tori did go to a doctor who talked to the baby), we are extremely optimistic. I feel a little silly for dragging so many people along on the roller coaster that has been this pregnancy. For this I humbly apologize. I guess this is the drawback of having a blog.

We have been attending our Bradley Method classes for the past three weeks. Tori and I are intent on having an all natural childbirth. Like Tori said in her post, Cesca's impressive showing with baby Alex seems to have fortified this desire in both Tori and I. The classes make for long Tuesdays (class ends at 9:30) but it has been beyond informative. This seems to be the most important aspect of The Bradley Method. Information gives the mother the power to overcome any anxiety about the idea of pushing a bowling ball out of her body. I'm just glad to be "coach" and not "playing" this game.

To show our progress, Tori and I have been calling the baby (rarely) by his future name, "Jack". I feel hesitant to do so because of how complicated everything has been so far. And we have been about his middle name. I am so happy we had his name picked out before we conceived because trying to think up a name is really hard. I can't imagine trying to wait until after he was born. I am pushing for awesome things like "Han" and "Yoda" but Tori will have none of it. This is a negotiation I will be happy to lose.

Thank you to all who have shown us love and support. We feel honored to have such caring people as our friends and family.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your progress! I wish you the best of luck! Funny enough I have a friend named Luke Skywalker Monahan. no I am not kidding or pulling your leg. When he was born, his older brother (who was 5) was allowed to pick out the name and Starwars was big! Luke doesn't usually tell people his middle name for good reasons. Anyway, take care and I love the blog!
